Constable Scott Blake

Constable Scott Blake

Representing constables in a county with more than 1 million population. Appointed by the AZ Constables Association.  

In 2014, Scott Blake was elected as Constable of the Hassayampa Precinct, the largest of the justice precincts in Maricopa County. As a Boy Scout, Constable Blake learned one of his greatest strengths was serving others within his community while earning the rank of Eagle Scout. He graduated with honors from high school and then earned an electrical degree. In 1988, he worked 10 to 12 hour days providing community services for two years while leading groups of other volunteers as a trainer, district leader, zone leader, and assistant to the president.

Constable Blake has owned his own business in the west valley for more than 20 years. He grew the business through franchises and employees. While doing this, he learned important principles and values that he is implementing into the office of Constable. Constable Blake currently serves on the executive boards of the Arizona Constables Association, the Constables Ethics, Standards & Training Board, and the National Constables & Marshals Association.

Constable Blake is married to Danielle Price and has six children. He divides his time between work, family, church and the scouting program. Community service continues to play a role in his life through participating in the Boy Scouts of America as a merit badge counselor, serving with others within his community, and recently completing CERT (Community Emergency Response Training).